Still Need Help?
If you are unable to find the answer to your question in this help system, or you need assistance with using CRIS, you may contact CRIS Help in the following ways:
- Call the SHPO switchboard at 518-268-2213 and ask for CRIS Help. You will be transferred to a SHPO staff member who will assist you or put you in contact with a SHPO reviewer.
- Email The responder will either assist you directly or put in you in contact with a SHPO reviewer.
The following information will help us assist you:
- If you received an error message, please provide the exact text of the message and the context in which you received it.
- If the system is displaying incorrectly, please provide a screenshot of the entire CRIS web page.
- If you are inquiring about an initial consultation submission, please provide the 12-character submission token. To ensure that the token is correct, please copy and paste the token into your email to CRIS Help.
- If you are inquiring about a consultation project that is currently under SHPO review or an information request, please provide the project number in the format 12PR12345.
- If you are inquiring about a National Register nomination, please provide the National Register number in the format 12NR12345 or the project number in the format 12PR12345.
- If you are inquiring about a USN record, please provide the USN number in the format 00123.012345.