Several features from the CRIS database are available as layers to be displayed on the map including:
•CRIS Building resources (symbolized based on eligibility)
•Historic Districts (polygons)
•National Register (NR) Listed sites (polygons)
Layer List Control
The visibility of each available layer can be turned on/off using the layer list control. To display the layer list control, click the Layer List button . Check/Uncheck the box for a layer to toggle the visibility of the layer.
Layer Visibility Notes:
•All layers are “scale dependent”. That is, even if they are toggled on features will not display until zoomed in enough
•Scale dependent layers that are not displaying are greyed out in the layer list control
•Layers can be expanded (click arrow) in the layer list to show symbology
Legend Control
Clicking the Legend button will display a panel showing the symbology of all visible layers