The NR Status tab in the National Register Project Details module provides a dated list of status updates in the National Register nomination process. The following is a list of National Register status types.
- State Register Publication: SHPO publicly posted the proposed National Register nomination in advance of the nomination’s presentation at a meeting of the New York State Board for Historic Preservation. Note that this does not apply to listings that predate the New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980, which created the State Register.
- Owner/Official Notification: SHPO sent a letter to the property owners and various officials announcing the proposed nomination.
- CLG Notification: SHPO sent a letter announcing the proposed nomination to the Certified Local Government and the local historic preservation commission.
- Notarized Objection: One or more property owners sent SHPO a notarized objection to their property’s nomination. If the sole owner of an individually nominated property or a majority of the private owners of a nominated district objects to a nomination, the National Park Service will not place the nomination on the National Register.
- SBHP Action Approved: The State Board for Historic Preservation approved the nomination.
- SBHP Action Rejected: The State Board for Historic Preservation rejected the nomination. This may be because the board decided that the nomination did not meet the required documentation standards, or because the board considered the nominated property ineligible for listing based on the nomination or the proposed criteria.
- SBHP Action Tabled: The State Board for Historic Preservation decided to postpone its decision on the nomination until a later meeting. This may be because the chief local elected official for a nominated property requested a postponement or because the board requested more information for the nomination.
- SR Listed: For post-1980 listings, the State Historic Preservation Officer approved and signed the nomination, placing the nominated property on the New York State Register of Historic Places. Pre-1980 National Register listings in New York State were automatically added to the State Register with the passage of the New York State Historic Preservation Act.
- SR Listed Letter: For post-1980 listings, SHPO sent a letter to property owners and officials announcing the nomination’s listing on the State Register. Prior to the New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980, the letter only noted that the State Board for Historic Preservation approved the nomination.
- Sent to NPS: SHPO sent the nomination to the National Park Service for review.
- NPS Returned: The National Park Service sent the nomination back to SHPO for revisions, or they rejected the nomination because they considered the nominated property ineligible for listing on the National Register.
- NR Listed: The Keeper of the Register at the National Park Service approved and signed the nomination, placing the nominated property on the National Register of Historic Places.
- NR Listed Letter: SHPO sent a letter to property owners and officials announcing the nomination’s listing on the National Register.
- NHL: The Secretary of the Interior designated the property a National Historic Landmark. National Historic Landmarks are nationally significant historic resources that receive special designation above listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
- Delisted: The National Park Service removed the property from the National Register of Historic Places. This may occur when a property is demolished or its historic integrity is lost.