Online Help System

Archaeological Site Wizard ▸ Step C: Attachments

The final step of the Archaeological Site Wizard allows you to upload attachments related to your archaeological site. This step is not required by the system, but the SHPO Archaeology Unit prefers that you submit one or more site maps with each site for reference. Uploads are limited to 180 megabytes per file. Note that this is measured as about 171.7 MB in Microsoft Windows.

The Attachments step of the Archaeological Site Wizard contains a dropdown selector, a text field, and buttons for selecting and uploading files.

If you choose to upload one or more attachments, enter the following information for each attachment. All of these fields are required.

After selecting the file, click the Upload Attachment button to save the attachment to the site record. After the attachment finishes uploading, the form will reset and the attachment record will be listed in the Uploaded Files grid below the Upload Attachment button. You may remove an attachment from the list by clicking the red X button.

Click the Done button in the lower right corner to save the archaeological site record. The Archaeological Site Wizard will close and you will be returned to the consolidated response page.